Do you want to enlist your store as test pilot?

Today, hundreds of stores all around Sweden are participating in the test pilot project. They share two common treats: they like to test new products and they appreciate being able to use their collective voice to tell the market, what works and what does not.

As a test pilot, you will receive exclusive pre-release products that are headed towards the market. You then sell the product in your store.

There is no fee associated with becoming a test pilot.

Your part in the project is simply to provide us with insights about the sales of the product. After the test period, you fill out the provided form and return it to us.

Simple and effective.

You can send your application by mail to or use the form on this page.

If you have any further inquiries, you are free to call Thomas Modin – +46-763-16 68 12.

Your name (required)

Your e-mail (required)

Your phone number

Name of store

Store category

Your message